HG 1/144 Gundam Asmoday
From "Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Urzu Hunt", "Gundam Asmoday" is made into a three-dimensional figure for the first time!
■ In addition to new exterior parts, the appearance shape is reproduced by partially new construction of the Gundam frame.
■ The development gimmick of the claw on the sole of the foot is expressed by moving each part and replacing parts.
■ Reproduce the expansion and contraction gimmick of Gran Tonfa on the arm by replacement.
■ Gigant Javelin anchor gimmick is expressed by lead wire.
■ A rifle can be mounted on the rear skirt. The back thruster is movable.
■ Rifle x 1
■ Gigant Javelin x 1
■ Gran Tonfa x 2
■ Lead wire x 1
■ Seal x 1
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