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Mirage Hobby

Mirage Hobby: High-Quality Model Kits for Aviation and Military Fans

Mirage Hobby is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality scale model kits, specializing in aircraft and military vehicles. With a commitment to precision and detail, Mirage Hobby provides hobbyists with a wide selection of kits that cater to various interests and skill levels. Each model is crafted to ensure an enjoyable building experience, resulting in accurate and impressive replicas. Whether you’re looking to explore your passion for aviation or military history, Mirage Hobby is your go-to source for exceptional model kits that ignite your creativity.

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310 products


German Submarine U-176 (IXC turm II)
German Tank Pz.Kpfw. IVD BLITZKRIEG in the WEST
German Tank Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. E Fall Barbarossa USSR 1941
German Tank Pz.Kpfw.IVB'21 Panzerdivisio (neu) 1943
German Tank Pz.Kpfw.IVE France 1940
German U-Boot U-511 - IX C (turmI+WGr42)
German WWI & Polish WWII Bombs Max Set
German WWI & Polish WWII Light Bombs German WWI & Polish WWII Light Aircraft Bombs 1914
German WWI Bombs 1918-1939 & 1914-1918
Gloster Javelin F (AW) Mk 9 (British Subsonic Interceptor Aircraft)
Halberstadt CL II
Mirage Hobby
Halberstadt CL II Sale price€49,95
Halberstadt CL.II Photographic & Reconaissance Version With Crew & Ground Personnel For Fliegerabteilung Artillerie FA(A) Units
Halberstadt CL.IIA(BFW) 2 Recinnais.poliHalberstadt CL.IIA(BFW) 2 Recinnais.poli
Halberstadt CL.IV H.F.W.(Early productio production batches/Short fuselage
Halberstadt CL.IV [Polish-Russian War,RAF, Occupation Forces 1919
Halberstadt CL.IV(Rol) LIETUVOS 1919
Halberstadt CL.IV(Rol)Twi-seat ground su
Halberstadt Mottled Camouflage two types (WW1)
Hiddensee - Tarantul I KlasseHiddensee - Tarantul I Klasse
HMS 'Montgomery' late 1942HMS 'Montgomery' late 1942
HMS 'St Albans' Allied destroyerHMS 'St Albans' Allied destroyer
HMS Anchusa Flower-Class Corvette K186
HMS Campbeltown 'St Nazaire' 'Chariot' Operation, 26 March 1942
HMS PENNYWORTFlower-Class CorvetteK111
HMS SPIRAEA Flower-Class Corvette (K08)HMS SPIRAEA Flower-Class Corvette (K08)
HMS Zinnia Flower-Class Corvette K98
Holzbr��cke mit Gel��nder und Wegweiser
IAR P.24E FIGHTER The Royal Romanian Air Force mit Resin und Foto��tzteilenIAR P.24E FIGHTER The Royal Romanian Air Force mit Resin und Foto��tzteilen
Japanisches U-Boot I-506 - IX D1
Mirage Hobby
Kasematte Sale price€10,95
KGB-Patrouillenschiff PSKR-219 Pauk I-Klasse
Kommandopanzer Grant Mk. I
KUBU? Armoured Car TeamKUBU? Armoured Car Team
KUBUS (Warsaw'44 Uprising Armoured Car)
KUBUS Warsaw��44 Uprising Armoured CarKUBUS Warsaw��44 Uprising Armoured Car
Kubus(Warsaw'44 Uprising Armoured Car) Model SetKubus(Warsaw'44 Uprising Armoured Car) Model Set
Landstra��e mit Leiterwagen
Sold outLe D��barquement de Normandie Light Tank M3A3,Le D��barquement de Normandie Light Tank M3A3,
Leichter Panzer 7 TP
Leichter Panzer 7 TP mit Zwillingsturm
Leichter Panzer 7 TP ��tzsatz
Leichter Panzer OT-134 / T-26-C Limited EditionLeichter Panzer OT-134 / T-26-C Limited Edition
Leichter Panzer T 50 A.A mit Foto��tzteilen
Leichter Panzer T-26 1933
Leichter Panzer T-26 A 76,2 mm
Leichter Panzer T-26 C 1939
Leichter Panzer T-26 C Modell 1937 mit 45 mm Kanone